
TIME: 2024.7-2024.11
TYPE: UX Design / Product Design
TOOL: Figma, Arduino, Blender, EON Tuner


The project aims to alleviate urban residents' nature-deficit disorder by encouraging people to connect with nature through their sense of smell. To achieve this, a set of scent collection devices and a corresponding application for collecting and sharing scents were designed.
What is the relationship between humans and nature? 

    As we industrialized, we moved away from forests and wilderness, settling into cities filled with straight lines and square buildings, which feel distant from nature. Today, many of us feel nostalgic for nature and try to bring natural elements back into urban life. We design buildings to coexist with nature and even capture natural scents to make perfumes. But where do we find the right balance between nature and human life?



 GreenHale APP 


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